Finally Finding Healing!

Today  March 3rd, It has been seventh months since I got deported. For the last 7 months I kept thinking, Today will be the day that Congressman, Darren Soto will call me to tell me ‘Alejandra you can come back.’ I spoke with him two weeks ago and he says things are looking promising. I know within my heart that he is doing everything possible for things to happen, but I realized that is not healthy for me to keep leaving like this, waiting for that call. I am tired of being sad all the time. I know I have to make a change in my life for my daughter’s health. She lives with me and it is not healthy for her to see me sad and crying all the time.  Three days ago I went to downtown and saw many needy people asking for money including little kids. I saw that they looked happy -happier than me. So, I got home, texted my oldest child in Florida and asked her for permission to be happier. I needed her permission because I feel guilty for trying to be happy even though she is not here with me. I feel I should not be happy without her. When I told her that I was going to try to be happier and if she could forgive me for all the pain I have caused her because of my poor decisions. She said “yes mom try to be happy and do things. I love you and don’t want to see you sad anymore.”

II have finally started feeling some type of healing. I have to move on, I know that. I also understood that this was God’s will for me, even though I can’t understand it now, and while I am still waiting, praying and hoping for that call with the news that I can go back to my home in Florida, I have decided to be a happier person and to leave my problems in God’s hand.



Author: Alejandra Juarez

Wife of combat veteran deported to Mexico on August 3, 2018, with no criminal record after 22 years in the U.S., marriage, and children. Starting over. This is my story of hope after deportation. I hope by hearing my story as I'm healing and starting over, if you are going through something similar, you can know that just because you're being deported, your life is not over.

21 thoughts on “Finally Finding Healing!”

  1. Some people move to Mexico just to get this cultural experience! Enjoy your time with your daughter, it’s a beautiful experience, and there is no perfection in life, there’s no good in wishing. Look at what you have, others have it far worse!


      1. Thanks for sharing.
        Perhaps your child will become a great force in this immigration issue.
        So sorry for your situation. You sound like a good woman. I wish you the best.
        Is there anywhere your husband & daughter could live, across the border from you, but both of you close enough to the border to make weekend visits? Just a thought.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I am so sorry for what you are going through. Pray, pray, and pray some more. God hears prayers. Te deseo lo mejor. Espero que puedes regresar pronto con tu familia. Ora muchísimo. Bendiciones para ti.


  3. Thank you for sharing your story with us. You are such a strong and inspirational woman. I am praying for the best for you and your family. There’s power in positive thinking. God might not give us what we want when we want it but he always delivers.

    Hugs from GA

  4. I just watched the documentary “ Living Undocumented”. My heart is truly broken after watching your story. I do not live in the States, I live in Canada. However, my family migrated to Canada when I was just 10 years old from Cuba. My HOME is Canada! I can’t even imagine being forced to leave what I know as Home and being separated from my children and husband. You are so strong and resilient … please don’t loose faith & hope. I have no doubt that you will return Home! But for now try to see the blessings that you do have in your life—- a beautiful family, Estela’s opportunity to learn Spanish and to be enriched by the Spanish culture and the life lessons your children are learning… resiliency, hope, faith, family’s unbreakable bonds (no matter what!). I wish you the very best as you continue your journey and as you tell your story.
    Nunca pierda la esperanza. Usted tiene alma y actitud de GUERRILLERA, siga luchando Dios la ayudará! La mantendré a usted y su familia en mis oraciones. Tenga mucha FE 💗 con mucho cariño desde Canada.


  5. I’m sorry but after watching the documentary it appears as if your husband does not care that you were being deported! I have a husband who was in the military and he also is a Trump supporter, he did not vote for him but believes in his ideology which we sometimes argue about. My situation is not yours but if it was we would probably be headed towards divorce solely on the basis of his actions. I truly hope you find your way back because you deserve to go back to your life. It saddens me that your daughter’s have to be separated and divided.


    1. Hi Maritza. It{s easy to judge from the outside. Remember the cameras only filmed certain things. I am not giving up on my marriage. My husband is good. He is not perfect but neither do I. Thank you for reaching out to me. God bless you. I am opening my youtube channel so don{t forget to check it out!


  6. Ok, I’m glad it’s not what it appears to be because as women we need to support one another. I really hope things change because you deserve to be happy and most importantly be with your family. I will definitely follow because I am all for individuals doing the right thing getting their chance. You are right none of us are perfect and we all know that this imbecil of a person does not realize what this country stands for.


  7. ill totally will give you a thumbs up for YouTube!!!! May god bless you and your family. What ever happen to your family in Mexico? You mentioned them in the documentary.Prays from Georgia!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi 🙂 I also watched Living Undocumented and my heart is broken for you….. my prayers are for the reunification of your family, whether in the USA or in Mexico. The love of my own country of origin has diminished due to the way we are treating our immigrants leaving them little option to become “legal”. My profession is in the legal field and I am inspired to turn my attention more towards immigration. Current laws are simply being enforced, and there isn’t much room for a remedy other than flat out reform. I am married to a Naturalized American Citizen from Mexico and spend a lot of time in several different areas of the country — we are already looking to retire there. It IS possible to make a new life in Mexico, specifically if you have assets for a good start ;). In my travels south of the border, I have come across many in similar circumstances as you….after an initial struggle and some efforts to build a new life, their outcome has been good. More relaxed, more simple lifestyle with no regrets. I have never been to Merida, but have heard it is quite beautiful! I am glad to read that your husband is considering relocating to you if and when your efforts to return to the USA become exhausted. Until then, I hope you keep your chin up….even as a US Citizen, it is within your country that I feel my freedom more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lori. Thank you for reading my blog and for your kind words. Yes the US is not what it used to be! However the things I accomplished in the US with hard work and perseverance , I couldn’t have never accomplish it in my beautiful Mexico. I always tell people that Mexico es beautiful with US dollars. It hurts me that my husband will have to move here and earn a starving salary because of the broken immigration laws. He served the US , risked his life and never asked for nothing in return and when he did ( for me to allow to stay) he was ignored! Hope you find a beautiful place to live here in Mexico!!!


      1. Alejandra, I definitely agree with you regarding the US dollars…..we have come across several different options (starting a business, working remotely from the US, or contracting with a US company, renting vs. purchasing land/property). Have you been to other areas in Mexico besides Merida to expand your options as to the best place to settle? Also, have you considered using youtube as a way to earn income? Considered investing in a property while your husband is still in the US? Kids can be homeschooled with US residency, even college degrees online 😉 If you are on facebook, there are plenty of groups with people planning and/or already migrated to Mexico, and they give lots of pointers on how they did it. My husband is from Estado de Mexico….beautiful, but rural. We also like Baja California Norte — beautiful, close to the border for a daily commute to San Diego, touristic opportunity. We have fallen in love with Puerto Vallarta and it will likely be our first choice. I know your situation flat out sucks….but God will reveal His true plan to you at some point, and His plan is better than any politician rallying for or against your cause. Perhaps He has something for you to do in Mexico…your case has brought you a lot of visibility that can be used in a positive way for many, many things. My prayers remain with you and your family….and I hope you will continue blogging, I for one, would like to hear how things end up working out 🙂


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